5 Travel Tips For Your Next Adventure


Travel is an amazing gift. And I hope that you get the chance to take those incredible adventures you’ve been dreaming about for years. Whether it’s to an exotic beach or a lively city, I believe that each one should be planned with care because they take a lot of time and money that shouldn’t be wasted.

Below are a collection of suggestions that we’ve slowly learned over our years of traveling. We recently took a trip to Europe for 6 weeks. As we prepared, we intentionally incorporated these into our plans which made the trip seamless and better than any trip we’ve ever taken in the past. They may seem straight forward or “no brainers” but in the chaos of planning, they can easily be forgotten. So I hope as you prepare, you can come back to these as reminders. If you’re new to traveling, or it’s been a while, keep in mind that not everything goes as planned. But with these 5 tips, you can make sure your next trip is one you’ll never forget.


1. Start working out (!!)

I’m not talking about getting that beach bod. You don’t need to be super fit. But if you’re about to book or have booked your next wild adventure, start working out or even going for long walks months ahead of time. (even if it’s a week away, it’s never too late to start.) If you can prepare your body for all the walking and activity you will inevitably do, you will enjoy the trip SO much more. I recently started doing F45 Training without even thinking about this benefit. And I said out loud multiple times how much more I enjoyed my most recent trip to Europe from others because my body was prepared for it. I wasn’t as exhausted after days of walking around the city.

2. Pack comfortably.

I will not wear things if it’s uncomfortable. No matter how cute it is. I’ve learned from my previous trips that those items that don’t allow me to relax, end up taking up space in my luggage. This does NOT mean you can’t also dress cute!! Intentionally curate a functional and fashionable wardrobe for your trip. Pack the shoes you can walk in for long days and bring the pair of jeans you don’t have to unbutton after the first course. If you’re uncomfortable, it’s hard to be present and enjoy the moment. Need cute and comfy ideas? I’ve linked a lot on my LTK page. I’ve done A LOT of research, trial & error on this subject.

3. Be prepared AND spontaneous.

Do lots of research on the places your going. Obviously. But plan out a couple of non-negotiables — those places you’ve been dreaming about. Put those on the list and make sure you do them. However, leave space for things that might magically come your way. Which leads me to my next point… 

4. Talk to people.

Don’t be afraid to ask locals their favorite spots when you meet them in the train stations or coffee shops — those will be the places that will be better than anything you’ll find on google. I promise you’ll leave with those as your absolute favorite memories. My theory on this: you build connection with someone (even a stranger) through experiencing something they love. Connection is all that any of us really need and want in this world. And it’s WAY more memorable than some touristy instagram picture. 

5. Know what YOU love.

And make your plans around it. It’s impossible to do everything. So prioritize the things that matter to YOU. If you love art or history — go to all the museums and less coffee shops. If you love food, go to one museum and spend the rest of your days walking from one cafe to the next. Your “best” itinerary is going to look completely different than someone else’s. So when people start throwing a million suggestions at you, carefully sift through them and do what’s important to you.

TravelAlly Lindell