Are you kind to yourself?

Be kind to yourself.

Kindness is something we’ve been taught to give to our neighbors all our lives. In fact, the second greatest commandment is “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Matt. 22:39.

Being the good girl I sought to be, I only focused on the first half: “love your neighbor..” And without realizing it, I was either throwing away “as yourself” or rewriting it to “and forget yourself.”

But the truth was written for a reason. We are called to give ourselves the same kindness and love that we give our neighbors. Because how can I properly love others if I can’t love myself first?

Recently, my therapist reflected back the exact words I had said about myself in a 20 minute span of time...

(yes I go to counseling and I am a big believer that everyone can benefit from it and learn more about themselves. I could go on, but I’ll save that for another post)

...and what was revealed: I. Am. My. Biggest. Bully.

And I’m sneaky about it. I am a specialist in my every flaw and can quickly craft inner pep talks in way that make it seem like motivation. But the truth is, I am surrounded by perfected images of life, and I can easily compare and tear myself apart within seconds. Leaving myself in a pile of shame, believing I am stupid, fat, and worthless and need to try harder.

Ha! Could you imagine if I said any of that to a friend? I wouldn’t even wish those words on my worst enemy. But somewhere along the way, I decided I deserved them?

I share this so that I can hopefully bring light to the thoughts and words you may be giving to yourself. That you might ask yourself throughout the day: Are my words loving? Are they kind?

Because the truth is... you are enough, you are loved, and you are doing the best that you can.

So be kind to yourself... you deserve it, my friend.

WordsAlly Lindell