Everyday — Allyce

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Risk Feeling Out Of Control

Falling down a mountain hurts…

I learned how to ski last weekend (thanks to this guy).

I fell miserably many times. The kind of fall that everyone likes to call a “yard sale.” You know, where you lose everything— your skis and your pride. I have bruises and sore muscles, muscles I didn’t know I had.

The falling really hurt. But what hurt even more was the feeling of failure time after time, feeling embarrassed, and watching everyone else floating right past me like it was no big deal.

Did you know skiing is hard? Well it is. AND it’s supposed to be.

Halfway through the first day it began to blizzard. Not only was I unable to ski without looking like a pizza slice flying through the air, I also was unable to see anything.

*Queue tears.* I was ready to give up.

I told myself, “Get yourself together!! Let’s go! Why are you so bad at this!?”


Your walk with Jesus can often times feel the same, like we’re falling rather than walking. Around every corner there seems to be something hard and feels like you just can’t catch a break. (Am I alone in this?)

And then, you look around and see everyone else with their crap together, hands in the air worshipping in church, waking up early to spend time with Jesus, making money, growing in relationships, always together with family and friends laughing, you name it… the Instagram life begins to paint a picture in our minds… AND you believe it’s real. 


Just when you think you’re able to muscle your way through the insecurity, the blizzard hits and you’re lost.

Did you know walking with Jesus is hard? Well it is. And no where in the bible does it say it is easy. In fact, it warns us and says to not be surprised when it’s hard. (1 Peter 4:12)

We are ALL well practiced at hiding the falls, the hurt, and the insecurities because we’ve believed the lie we’re not allowed to struggle. If we know Jesus, aren’t we supposed to be perfect? NO. You are not perfect, you are being made perfect (2 Corinthians 12:9) through HIS power and YOUR weakness.

As I sifted through all the ski instruction last week, this was the statement that changed everything for me: “The secret to skiing is this: you have to risk and be ok with feeling a little out of control.

The secret to life with Jesus is the same.

Are you ok with being out of control? HA! I am not. It’s scary. I crave control because it’s comfortable, I think I can control the falls, and the only one I have trust is myself.

“Trust doesn’t always come easy, especially when we are being called upon to trust in something or someone that we cannot see, mush less control. That puts us in a very vulnerable and dependent position…” – Jim Branch, The Blue Book

For once, I listened to the instruction on the slopes and gave it a try. As soon as I put my fear and pride aside, I was skiing right alongside everyone else. I experienced this incredible sense of freedom. The wind brushed my face, the trees were tall and majestic, and for the first time, I saw the beauty in the mountains as I flew through them. Y’all, I was having fun! The entire group cheered me on and laughed with me at all the funny falls moments before. (Seriously, I have some pretty funny stories).

If you’re scared to start your journey with Jesus, feeling a little lost, or even just discouraged from the hurt and blows you’ve been taking.. I encourage you with this: risk falling, let go of control, and trust your guide. Because THEN, you’ll start experiencing the true glory you were made for.

*Queue Celebration Song*

And just because it feels like you’re falling through life, you are still moving forward. He’s still guiding you. And you’re learning. You’re becoming more attentive to the guide that’s calling your name and whispering, “You’re ok. You’re doing great. I’m still here and I will never leave you.” And before you know it, you’re up and at it again. But this time, stronger.

9 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. 10 That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 

2 Corinthians 12:9-10

It sounds a little easier said than done, I know. But know you are not alone. We all take our share of epic falls. And one day, you’ll be sharing your battle scars with a friend that needs encouragement and a hand up off the ground.

It’s gonna hurt. But it’s all worth it.

Risk the fall, sister.