The Everyday Kind Of Brave


Everyday is a challenge. Everyday there’s something, something that I must battle and it’s mostly with my own heart.

Everyday takes courage, to stand up for what I believe in, to share my heart, to be honest about where I’m at, and dig deep with Jesus to discover more of who I am.

This is dangerous for us to do. Because we might find something we’ve never had to deal with before. For me, it’s fear. I find something new everyday that I’m afraid of—and it all comes down to the unknowns and what ifs.

What if I’m not good at my job? What if I let my friends down? What if my boyfriend thinks I’m too much? Or not enough? What if I’m not very funny? What if I’m not a good writer? What if no one reads my blog? What if? What if? What if?

Putting those “what if’s” down means surrendering control to Jesus and facing my fears of the unknown by stepping right onto the battlefield of life. Because even IF, I have faith He is still good.

And that’s brave.

Thank you for those who read my posts. You have been so encouraging. I’m excited to write more.

The name of my blog is E𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆𝗱𝗮𝘆 B𝗿𝗮̄𝘃.


Because everyday we must be brave in order to discover the fullness of life with Jesus. Surrendering and showing up (unmasked) takes courage and it’s not always easy.

Define yourself as /brāv/, because you are.